It was an accident. That no-one wanted to have happen. True Cut 1 : The prologue
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It was an accident. That no-one wanted to have happen. True Cut 1 : The prologue
Read MoreA dramatic biopsy from the world of surgery
Read MoreSo, when we set off prospecting/I wasn’t expecting,/not even suspecting,/we’d find El-Dorado
Read MoreShare PostTwitterFacebookPinterestMailWhat can we learn about medical education from activists in other fields? Where does staying woke fit within the curriculum? The caged bird sings with a fearful trill of things unknown but longed for still and his tune is heard on the distant hill for the caged bird sings of freedom. Maya Angelou,…
Read MoreThe apprenticeship model is sometimes portrayed as an old fashioned, outmoded form of clinical teaching and learning. Does it still have a place in the modern curriculum?
Read MoreHow do we help students develop the real world insight and judgement so vital for clinical practice?
Read MoreHave you ever watched a really skilled craftsman at work, or a sportswoman right at the top of their game, or a virtuoso musician—someone who has absolutely mastered an area of expertise? How have they learnt to do what they do? Natural ability or sheer hard work?
Read MoreWhat does education mean to you? This is the first of five posts which look at different answers to that question, and explore the implications for teachers and learners.
Read MoreI shut the bin, tight,/and put it out in the road: / out of sight, out of mind. / But a place inside me, / tight shut for thirty years— / out of Africa: out of mind— / came open; came apart.
Read MoreReflective practice encourages us to hold up a mirror to our practice, as a way to learn and develop. How can we move beyond the superficial to a more meaningful engagement?
Read MoreKnowing I’ve failed you, I’ve no way to constrain / the anguish and grief of that desolate ocean.
Read MoreHave you heard of Human Factors? What does the term mean to you? What about Ergonomics?
Read MoreBound in the graveyard’s wintry embrace, / Do you long, as I do, for the coming of spring, / For the soft healing waters that summer should bring, / Yet fear all the memories entombed in the ice?
Read MoreAll life’s struggles distilled and defined / in a tangible route to that famed mountaintop
Read MoreHow can puppetry and robotics help us to better understand the place of simulation in clinical education?
Read MoreThe story of Icarus has provided inspiration for many artists—poets and painters alike—as they have tried to understand what it is to fail in human endeavour. It provides a way in to thinking about how we should respond to mistakes in healthcare.
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